Donations can be made to Shanti Sajal Research & Charitable Trust using the following bank details:
Account Number: 40406097298
IFSC Code: SBIN0001493
CIF: 90812107306
Accuracy of Information:
Shanti Sajal Trust is not responsible for any discrepancies arising from incorrect entry of bank details during the donation process. Donors are advised to verify the accuracy of their details with their respective banks before proceeding with the donation.
Donation Amount:
There is no minimum or maximum limit for the donation amount. Donors are free to contribute any amount they deem fit towards the trust's initiatives.
Refund Policy:
If there is a genuine error made by the donor and if they wish to raise a request for a refund, they may do so within 24 hours after the donation has been made. Refunds will be processed promptly upon receipt of the refund request.
Confirmation of Payment:
Upon successful completion of the payment process, donors will receive a thank-you email confirming the payment made towards Shanti Sajal Trust. This email serves as a receipt of the donation.
Tax Exemption Certificate:
If applicable, donors will receive an 80G certificate for tax exemption purposes. The certificate will be provided by Shanti Sajal Trust upon request and verification of eligibility criteria